FBI warns of post-ISIS blowback as EU tries to export its refugee problem

  Federal Bureau of Investigation officials warned this week that despite predictions of military defeat for the Islamic State extremist group's "caliphate" in Iraq and Syria, terrorist attacks inspired by the organization can be expected to continue. While the Islamic State (also known as ISIS, ISIL, or Daesh) will inevitably be "crushed," FBI Director James … Continue reading FBI warns of post-ISIS blowback as EU tries to export its refugee problem

Obama, CIA express disappointment, disbelief following veto override

Despite opposition from Saudi Arabia and the European Union, despite opinion pieces published by major outlets like CNN and the Atlantic urging President Obama to veto a bill allowing 9/11 victims' families to sue the Saudi government, which he did last week, Congress voted overwhelmingly today to override the president's veto for the first time … Continue reading Obama, CIA express disappointment, disbelief following veto override

Un-Monsanto to harness CRISPR to make un-GMOs

Biotech behemoth Monsanto was recently in the news for its merger with German pharmaceutical giant Bayer - a $66 billion deal which is reportedly the biggest yet this year and, if it goes through, may mean the end of the controversial Monsanto brand name. But if that massive merger is newsworthy, and it most certainly … Continue reading Un-Monsanto to harness CRISPR to make un-GMOs

Impersonation of journalists added to FBI’s trolling tool kit

The Federal Bureau of Investigation can, in certain circumstances, impersonate journalists in the course of undercover work, according to a report released this month by the Justice Department's Office of the Inspector General. While somewhat controversial, the finding is not unexpected, coming at a time of increasing use of fake Internet personas by government authorities … Continue reading Impersonation of journalists added to FBI’s trolling tool kit

Military polls show dissatisfaction with U.S. politics beyond election

Recent polls showing disproportionate active duty military support for Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson versus that among the overall population may represent more than simple dissatisfaction with this year's regrettable major party candidates. Signs increasingly point to a U.S. military that is broadly dissatisfied with the direction of the country, along with its politicians' decisions … Continue reading Military polls show dissatisfaction with U.S. politics beyond election

Officials offer conflicting statements on election hacking vulnerability

Following news of hacks of the Democratic National Committee, the Clinton campaign, and state election boards in Illinois and Arizona, federal officials in the past week have offered conflicting statements regarding the possibility that hackers, possibly sponsored by a foreign government, could influence the upcoming presidential election. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Jeh Johnson … Continue reading Officials offer conflicting statements on election hacking vulnerability

E.U. eyes security, surveillance centralization in wake of Brexit, terror attacks

Late last week reports surfaced that France and Germany, in the wake of recent terror attacks and Britain's vote to leave the European Union, are forming a joint plan for a potential "relaunch of European defence," which would involve greater security coordination among E.U. countries. The goal of the project is to restructure Europe's defense … Continue reading E.U. eyes security, surveillance centralization in wake of Brexit, terror attacks

Dysfunctional U.S.-Saudi relationship on display as bill allowing 9/11 lawsuits passes unanimously

Two days before the 15th anniversary of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 the House of Representatives has followed the Senate's lead in unanimously passing a bill to allow 9/11 victims' families to sue Saudi Arabia. The bill's only major remaining hurdle to overcome is a potential veto from President Obama. Although the notorious … Continue reading Dysfunctional U.S.-Saudi relationship on display as bill allowing 9/11 lawsuits passes unanimously

UK pursues aggressive drone policies, exposing govt. employees to legal risks

Despite much hype about the recent "Brexit," top U.K. officials have made clear that the UK/USA "special relationship" in diplomatic and intelligence matters will remain strong as ever. Any lingering doubt about it can safely be disregarded following revelations from the Intercept this week regarding the massive yet shadowy surveillance base in the English countryside … Continue reading UK pursues aggressive drone policies, exposing govt. employees to legal risks