U.S. and Russia escalate information war

So much has been written in the wake of the U.S. presidential election on the topic of Russian propaganda that it can be hard to keep up, especially given that some of America's most supposedly-reputable news outlets such as the Washington Post have routinely published questionable material on the subject. But a few new developments … Continue reading U.S. and Russia escalate information war

‘The science of resistance’ and the Trump administration

Ever since Donald Trump's election win took the national media and much of the country by surprise, much has been written in the press and on social media about "The Resistance" to his presidency. The phrase has been embraced by the likes of comedian Sarah Silverman and former ESPN anchor Keith Olbermann, who has adopted … Continue reading ‘The science of resistance’ and the Trump administration

CIA aid to Syrian rebels partially frozen, temporarily

A Central Intelligence Agency-coordinated program to aid Free Syrian Army (FSA) forces fighting against Bashar al-Assad in northwest Syria has been frozen, Reuters reported Tuesday, as the rebels there have faced recent setbacks amidst the chaotic and multifaceted war that has engulfed the region for the past several years. "The support funneled to vetted FSA … Continue reading CIA aid to Syrian rebels partially frozen, temporarily

A military-grade ‘Wikipedia’ app for cross-cultural understanding?

A linguist, left, shares a smartphone device with a Afghan Army command sergeant major during a security meeting at the Qara Bagh district's center in Afghanistan's Ghazni province, July 16, 2012. Smartphone devices are increasing in use on the battlefield in Afghanistan. Photo courtesy of U.S. Department of Defense. In 2015, the U.S. officially ended … Continue reading A military-grade ‘Wikipedia’ app for cross-cultural understanding?

Local police cell phone snooping highlights lack of surveillance oversight

In December, a congressional oversight committee released a report on the use of cell-site simulators, and claimed federal authorities only use the mobile phone surveillance devices to determine suspects' locations, rather than to intercept content. A new investigation, however, shows that local law enforcement, at least, has often been using the sophisticated surveillance technology under … Continue reading Local police cell phone snooping highlights lack of surveillance oversight

Activism and ‘extremism’ in the era of Trump

Following protests and rioting in Berkeley, California last week over a scheduled -- and then cancelled -- appearance by conservative provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos that brought condemnation from President Donald Trump, and new executive orders signed this week including one aimed at "preventing violence" against law enforcement,  many are wondering how aggressively the new administration plans … Continue reading Activism and ‘extremism’ in the era of Trump

Thousands of unreported deadly airstrikes the latest in sloppy Pentagon record keeping

When it comes to reporting numbers of civilians and "combatants" it kills, the Pentagon attempts to paint itself in a positive light. Last summer, after the Obama administration released a report estimating that between 64 and 116 civilians had been killed in drone strikes on the president's watch, it was widely criticized for under-counting by … Continue reading Thousands of unreported deadly airstrikes the latest in sloppy Pentagon record keeping

Pentagon online psyop against ISIS revealed as mess of incompetence, corruption

In the past year it's been reported that the U.S. Department of Defense may not be able to meet its "audit readiness" deadline of September 30 this year for its first ever audit. A big part of the problem is that the Army has reportedly been making improper financial statements amounting to trillions of dollars … Continue reading Pentagon online psyop against ISIS revealed as mess of incompetence, corruption