Demand for fake followers drives bot black market

If you're a regular internet user, you may have noticed that said internet is swarming with bots. Yet the extent of the presence of fake accounts on platforms like Twitter may be greater --and more organized-- than many previously thought. In a recent article titled "The Follower Factory," the New York Times goes on for … Continue reading Demand for fake followers drives bot black market

Pentagon balances secrecy, demands for more funding

The U.S. Senate and House of Representatives voted to approve a massive military budget of nearly $700 billion late last year and President Donald Trump has signed the legislation, but it remains unclear whether Congress will pass a bill appropriating the necessary funds as a potential government shutdown looms. Though the latest partisan disagreements over … Continue reading Pentagon balances secrecy, demands for more funding

Army outlines future electronic warfare, cyberspace plans

Most observers seem to agree that future conflicts around the world will involve greater use of electronic and cyber warfare. A new document published this month, titled The U.S. Army Concept for Cyberspace and Electronic Warfare Operations 2025-2040, offers some insight into how military planners are currently looking at this issue. "This document describes how the … Continue reading Army outlines future electronic warfare, cyberspace plans

Flawed biometric schemes in Asia highlight mass surveillance risks

Developing more complex and invasive methods of mass surveillance seems to be a constant goal of governments around the world as they pursue ever-increasing control over their citizens' lives. While much has been revealed about Western governments' communications monitoring programs in recent years, however, new developments in China and India offer insights into the potential … Continue reading Flawed biometric schemes in Asia highlight mass surveillance risks