U.S. looks into setting up biometric surveillance system for Mexico

During last year's election campaign, President Donald Trump famously promised to build a wall on the United States' southern border, and make Mexico pay for it. Now, however, it appears that U.S. taxpayers may end up paying not only for the border wall, but for a whole biometric surveillance system for the Mexican government. "The … Continue reading U.S. looks into setting up biometric surveillance system for Mexico

Trump’s Muslim ban is the recruiting tool ISIS has dreamed of, experts say

Among other unprecedented steps, President Donald Trump's executive order on immigration includes a temporarily ban on immigration from seven majority-Muslim countries -- Iran, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Sudan, Libya, and Somalia -- with the ostensible goal of preventing terrorism. For a variety of reasons, however, close observers of Islamist extremism say that Trump's plan will only … Continue reading Trump’s Muslim ban is the recruiting tool ISIS has dreamed of, experts say

Trump says nation needs border wall, perhaps also CIA black sites beyond borders

On Wednesday, President Donald Trump outlined the first concrete details of his controversial new immigration plans. Already, the initial steps announced so far appear poised to disrupt the lives of millions of people living in the U.S. They include the beginning of work on Trump's long-promised border wall, cutting federal funding to "sanctuary" states and … Continue reading Trump says nation needs border wall, perhaps also CIA black sites beyond borders

The Democratic Party autopsy: A look at how and why Trump won

The dramatic finale to the 2016 US presidential election, ending with Donald Trump victorious, has left the mainstream media and pollsters, along with many Democrats and people around the world completely dumbfounded. Yet signs that a Trump win was a distinct possibility had been visible for some time. Some of the election polling, such as … Continue reading The Democratic Party autopsy: A look at how and why Trump won