Outgoing Obama administration gives Trump’s intelligence community expanded data sharing powers

On Jan. 3, just weeks before U.S. President-elect Donald Trump's inauguration, outgoing Attorney General Loretta Lynch signed off on an expansion of inter-agency intelligence sharing, allowing the National Security Agency to share raw "signals intelligence" data with other intelligence community members without "scrubbing" it first. A fact sheet released by the Office of the Director … Continue reading Outgoing Obama administration gives Trump’s intelligence community expanded data sharing powers

Drone strike ‘playbook’ shows govt. rationalizing extrajudicial killing

Just over a month after releasing its first numbers on drone strike deaths, including a figure of between 64 and 116 civilians killed that critics have said is vastly underestimated, the Obama administration late last week released a redacted version of its "playbook" outlining the requirements for "lethal action" against suspected terrorists, along with guidelines … Continue reading Drone strike ‘playbook’ shows govt. rationalizing extrajudicial killing

UKUSA Intel ‘Special Relationship’ to Survive Brexit

Reactions to Britain's recent vote to leave the European Union - the so-called Brexit - have been diverse, ranging from uncertainty in the financial world to reports of increased racism on the streets in the U.K., but one thing that appears largely unchanged by the decision is Britain's intelligence and military alliance with the United … Continue reading UKUSA Intel ‘Special Relationship’ to Survive Brexit